1) to deal, deliver, strike a blow (he dealt us a severe blow)
2) to heap, rain blows on smb.
3) to come to blows; to exchange blows
4) to take a blow (the boxer took several blows to the head)
5) to cushion; deflect, parry, ward off; dodge a blow
6) a body; crushing, hard, heavy, powerful, resounding, severe, staggering, telling; decisive; fatal, mortal; glancing, light blow
7) indiscriminate blows (to rain indiscriminate blows on one's victims)
8) a low ('illegal') blow (also fig.)
9) an exchange of blows
10) a blow against, at (to strike a blow against poverty)
11) a blow for (to strike a blow for freedom)
12) a blow on, to (a blow on the head; he took a blow to the chin; a blow to one's hopes)
13) under blows (to reel under crushing blows)
1) to blow hard (the wind was blowing hard)
2) (A; usu. without to) she blew him a kiss
3) (D; intr.) to blow on (blow on the soup; it's too hot)
4) (misc.) (slang) he blew ('came') into town